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what kinds of selective forces are plants most likely to respond to?

Stressful environmental conditions can be divers every bit those that pb to a abrupt reduction in fettle in populations. That is, when inverse environmental conditions cause a drastic reduction in reproductive output, and when persistence of the weather leads to permanent harm, these weather constitute an environmental stress. Concrete stresses that are encountered rarely in populations—such as periods of drought or extreme common cold—or that are encountered past a minority of a species—such as in populations that are located at distribution borders or are exposed to local chemical stresses arising from human activities—tin, through their directly or indirect effects, lead to marked reductions in the size of populations (Glynn 1988, Hoffmann and Parsons 1991) and to repeated cycles of colonization and extinction (Andrewartha and Birch 1954).

Because of their furnishings on fitness, stressful conditions tin can exist extremely effective in shifting the mean of a trait past imposing directional choice. There are many examples of such shifts in natural populations (Hoffmann and Parsons 1997), including responses to selection arising from human activities, such as the evolution of pesticide resistance in insects and the evolution of resistance to heavy metals in plants and invertebrates (Macnair 1993, McKenzie and Batterham 1994). In addition, there is bear witness for rapid shifts in morphological traits due to periodic exposure to climatic stresses, peculiarly in bird populations. For instance, selection led to increased trunk size in Darwin'due south finches after approximately eighty% of the population died during a drought (Grant and Grant 1989); choice also increased body size in cliff swallows during an farthermost cold spell that resulted in more than 50% mortality (Brown and Brown 1998).

Still, although stressful conditions can in some instances lead to rapid evolution, stress is not necessarily required to explain the observed rates of evolutionary change in the fossil record and in historic times. Selection experiments performed in the laboratory accept shown that almost traits tin can reply fairly rapidly to directional selection, fifty-fifty when selection intensities are simply moderate. The experiments of Weber on a range of traits in Drosophila ( thousand., Weber 1990, Weber and Diggins 1990) illustrate the large phenotypic changes in morphological and physiological traits that can be achieved through stress selection. Selection responses in such laboratory experiments involve evolutionary rates that far exceed those seen in the fossil record (Gingerich 1983). Thus, moderate or even weak selection (i.e., selection imposed by factors other than stress) may exist sufficient to account for observed rates of evolution in the fossil record and in historic times.

Periodically stressful conditions may influence evolutionary rates by generating and maintaining variability and by overcoming adaptation limits acquired by cistron period, helping to explain diversification patterns in the fossil tape

In this commodity, we explore means in which stressful conditions may stimulate evolutionary modify and explain evolutionary patterns other than by just increasing the choice intensity on some traits. Although stresses can be physical or biotic, nosotros focus on physical stresses. We outset argue that evolutionary stasis may be mutual in populations in the absence of periodically stressful weather. Populations may be prevented from adapting to ecology changes because of the effects of gene menses, deleterious mutations, tradeoffs, and lack of variability. Nosotros then testify how stressful weather can provide a style of overcoming this stasis and promoting adaptive changes. They do so by promoting the expression of variability in traits, influencing adaptive changes by restricting gene period, and allowing the persistence of genetic variation. Nevertheless, nosotros conclude that the extent to which stressful atmospheric condition have contributed to actual evolutionary shifts remains an open question.

Limits to accommodation

Natural selection is a powerful strength that results in organisms beingness well adapted to their environments. Evolutionary biological science textbooks are full of examples of the ability of natural selection in explaining patterns of variation among organisms.

Withal, it is also clear that adaptation is frequently unsuccessful. When faced with a change in environmental weather condition, populations may drift, go extinct, or evolve. Many fossil studies propose that motility of populations away from the stressful environment is most common, whereas adaptation is least mutual, at to the lowest degree when evolutionary patterns are discerned from morphology. For example, Coope'south (1979) study of Coleoptera in the Quaternary showed that few beetles exhibited morphological changes over this time period, whereas in that location were marked changes in the distribution of beetle species, suggesting that species shifted distributions instead of evolving when climatic changes occurred. For mammals in the Eocene and lower Oligocene (37–30 million years ago), when marked climatic change took identify, merely 3 out of 177 species showed continual morphological changes; for most species there was no morphological modify throughout this period, despite shifts in distribution (Prothero and Heaton 1996). There are many additional examples of fossil assemblages that show little morphological change and nearly the same species composition over extended periods (Schopf 1996).

Of form, the absenteeism of morphological change in a lineage does not necessarily imply the absence of evolutionary change, specially considering physiological accommodation tin can occur independently of morphology and therefore not exist reflected in the fossil record. One manner of discerning the extent to which physiological evolution has occurred is to consider whether changes in distributions involve entire species assemblages (Coope 1979). If and so, then big-scale physiological evolution seems unlikely because not all species possess the same power to adapt physiologically. Schopf (1996) and Coope (1979) emphasized that groups of organisms in the fossil record tend to occur in the same assemblages despite environmental changes and that fifty-fifty the dominance of certain species appears abiding over an extended fourth dimension. All the same, other authors accept emphasized that species tend to respond individually rather than as an aggregation; such responses may reflect physiological adaptation without morphological change (Graham 1992, Nowak et al. 1994).

Limits to morphological and physiological adaptation are evident in extant populations every bit well as in fossil studies. Although many pest species have evolved resistance to agricultural chemicals, others have failed to evolve resistance, fifty-fifty when chemicals have been applied for many years. Limits are besides evident at species borders, which have tended to exist relatively constant over many decades (Bull 1991). In the absence of evolutionary limits to adaptation, borders would exist expected to continually shift in response to evolutionary changes in geographically marginal populations. Instead, ecological range expansion appears to be rare.

Given the evidence for adaptive limits, how can the apparent stasis of fossil assemblages and the inability of populations to overcome marginal conditions be explained? One possibility is that there is insufficient genetic variability for adaptive changes to occur. This hypothesis appears to run counter to both the efficacy of laboratory selection in changing population ways and the loftier level of genetic variability that is common in natural populations (Nevo 1988). Nonetheless, a limitation of laboratory pick experiments is that they have tended to focus on traits that tin respond to option. Many traits showroom an extremely low level of variability and do not respond readily to selection. Some examples include floral morphology in Linanthus, vibrissa number in mice, and embryonic developmental rates in Drosophila (run into references in Scharloo 1991, Hoffmann and Parsons 1997).

Moreover, even when genetic variability is present in populations, it may not be used. For example, it may be of the wrong type, as illustrated by the evolution of insecticide resistance (Roush and McKenzie 1987). In field populations of insects, resistance is usually determined by a unmarried gene. However, at that place are situations in which resistance has not evolved or has not persisted, despite the presence of genetic variability. In such cases, it appears that resistance is determined by several genes, each of which has relatively small furnishings—polygenes (McKenzie et al. 1980). A loftier intensity of selection provides an caption for the finding that resistance does not evolve when information technology is determined polygenically. Selection for resistance is intense in the field, where mortality levels need to approach 100% to achieve constructive control of pests. When the selection intensity is extremely high, only individuals carrying major genes may have sufficiently high resistance levels to survive pesticide application, whereas under weak selection all genes tin can contribute. A like argument has been made for the evolution of resistance to other toxicants, such equally heavy metals (Macnair 1991). That is, resistance is more likely to evolve when it is determined by major genes than when it is adamant by several minor genes.

Major genes are besides more likely to confer resistance to chemical stresses than are pocket-sized genes because of gene flow (Roush and McKenzie 1987). When susceptible individuals migrate into a population that had previously been exposed to chemicals, the influx of susceptible alleles will dilute the frequency of resistance genes. This dilution upshot is likely to exist much greater when resistance arises from a combination of many minor genes (i.e., polygenic resistance) than when it arises from a single major gene. When individuals with polygenic resistance mate with susceptible individuals, the factor combination needed for resistance will be lost in the ensuing generations, and the probability of recovering offspring with polygenic resistance is therefore low. This dilution effect has a much lower impact when resistance is conferred by ane or a few major genes. For instance, when a unmarried recessive allele controls resistance, one-quaternary of the F2 progeny of a cantankerous between resistant and susceptible individuals will exist homozygous for the resistance allele. All the same, when four genes are involved, only 1 in 256 offspring will exist resistant. Thus, for traits where variation in populations is polygenic, it may be difficult to achieve a response to pick, even when ample genetic variation exists.

Cistron flow may likewise prevent adaptive divergence amidst populations. The function of gene period in limiting accommodation in a population has been recognized for a number of traits and organisms (Storfer 1999), including color pattern variation in snakes and moths, survival in fish, clutch size in birds, and anti-predator behavior in salamanders. Moreover, even when selection produces differences among populations, these differences may not persist. Futuyma (1989) has suggested that local selective forces change over time, which, in combination with gene menstruum, breaks down differences between populations. Geographic differences may persist only if potent reproductive isolation develops betwixt populations.

The effect of gene flow in limiting adaptive changes is likely to be particularly important at the periphery of a species' distribution. Gomulkiewicz and Holt (1995) and Holt and Gaines (1992) have emphasized that natural selection acts as a conservative force, increasing fitness in the environments unremarkably encountered by organisms but not in more marginal environments. Marginal atmospheric condition are experienced past the minority of members of widespread species, particularly because the density of species decreases toward the margins (Gaston 1990). As a upshot, margins act as sinks for centrally distributed populations. Well-nigh populations therefore fail to adapt to marginal weather condition, becoming well adjusted only to mutual conditions experienced abroad from the margins.

Moreover, the effects of gene menstruum in limiting adaptation tin be influenced past tradeoffs. In general, increased fettle in unfavorable environments is associated with decreased fettle in favorable environments. For case, resistance to desiccation and starvation stresses in Drosophila is often associated with an increase in lipid and glycogen storage or with a decrease in metabolic rate (Hoffmann and Parsons 1989, 1991, Chippindale et al. 1996, Djawdan et al. 1996). These physiological changes lead to a decrease in early fecundity, an increment in larval development time, or both, decreasing the overall fitness of organisms under optimal weather. There is supporting testify for such tradeoffs in insects and other animals (Hoffmann and Parsons 1991, 1997), although few field tests have been undertaken. In plants, the ability to persist in infertile soils is frequently associated with depression growth rates, which reduce competitive ability nether favorable field weather condition (Grime 1979, Lambers and Poorter 1992). The fact that genes favored under marginal weather condition are oft associated with low fitness under favorable conditions, and vice versa, will increment the impact of gene menses on the disability of marginal sink populations to arrange.

Finally, contempo evidence indicates that the effects of deleterious mutations may be expressed in only some environments (Kondrashov and Houle 1994); equally a result, mutations that are not deleterious in the original environment may be so in a new environment and contribute to genotype × environment interactions. Although option will remove deleterious mutations, this process is much more efficient in environments that are commonly encountered past organisms than in those that are rarely encountered. Thus, mutations that are detrimental in a novel environment accumulate, leading to a decrease in the adaptedness of populations to rare, marginal conditions (Kawecki et al. 1997).

The outcome of all of these processes is a population that is well adapted to mutual weather but poorly adapted to novel weather condition or to conditions that are experienced by a minority of members of a species. That is, although natural selection tin be extremely constructive in causing genetic divergence, its furnishings are often obliterated by cistron catamenia and fitness interactions among environments. Processes that affect evolutionary modify in a population are summarized in Figure 1. The left side of Effigy 1 depicts processes with negative impacts on evolutionary changes in a population. These negative impacts include gene menstruation from nearby populations, an increment in the load of deleterious mutations, and the presence of tradeoffs between traits and environments. Adaptation can also exist limited by a lack of genetic variation. But the correct side of Figure one shows that stressful conditions tin also accept a potentially positive bear upon on evolutionary change, equally we now talk over.

Figure 1.

Outline of processes that can have positive (+) or negative (−) impacts on rates of adaptation in a population, and the impact of stress on these processes. See text for details.

Outline of processes that tin accept positive (+) or negative (−) impacts on rates of adaptation in a population, and the touch on of stress on these processes. Encounter text for details.

Figure 1.

Outline of processes that can have positive (+) or negative (−) impacts on rates of adaptation in a population, and the impact of stress on these processes. See text for details.

Outline of processes that tin have positive (+) or negative (−) impacts on rates of adaptation in a population, and the touch of stress on these processes. See text for details.

Stress and the expression of phenotypic and genetic variation

The idea that development mainly involves sudden and large phenotypic shifts because of mutations with large effects ("hopeful monsters") was promoted by Goldschmidt (1940) and by some developmental biologists. Yet, this view has been dismissed by neo-Darwinists as wrong (Charlesworth 1982) because mutations with large effects are often quickly selected confronting in populations due to their low fitness.

Still, information technology does appear that big phenotypic shifts can be triggered in populations by repeated exposure to stressful atmospheric condition. It has long been known that specific stresses can lead to the increased expression of phenotypic variability (Figure two), specially in morphological traits that are normally invariant. Classic examples include the duplication of the thoracic segment and alteration of wing venation patterns in Drosophila triggered past exposure to chemical and loftier-temperature stresses (Milkman 1960, Waddington 1961). Phenotypic variants tin exist selected for and increment in frequency in a population as long as they have a genetic basis, and they can eventually become expressed even in the absence of the stress, a process Waddington (1961) referred to as "genetic assimilation." In the example of one phenotypic variant, in which a duplicated thoracic region is triggered past ether, the molecular changes underlying this absorption process accept been institute to involve polymorphisms in the Ultrabithorax gene (Gibson and Hogness 1996).

Figure 2.

Effects of stress on variation. Genetic variation can be produced following increased rates of mutation, recombination, and transposition. Stress can also increase the expression of variation at the phenotypic level by lowering thresholds for the expression of traits, by influencing growth or metabolic flux, or by other processes.

Effects of stress on variation. Genetic variation can be produced following increased rates of mutation, recombination, and transposition. Stress tin can besides increase the expression of variation at the phenotypic level past lowering thresholds for the expression of traits, past influencing growth or metabolic flux, or by other processes.

Figure 2.

Effects of stress on variation. Genetic variation can be produced following increased rates of mutation, recombination, and transposition. Stress can also increase the expression of variation at the phenotypic level by lowering thresholds for the expression of traits, by influencing growth or metabolic flux, or by other processes.

Effects of stress on variation. Genetic variation tin be produced post-obit increased rates of mutation, recombination, and transposition. Stress tin also increment the expression of variation at the phenotypic level by lowering thresholds for the expression of traits, past influencing growth or metabolic flux, or past other processes.

A unproblematic mechanism by which genetic absorption might occur (Bateman 1959) involves a threshold model (Figure 3), whereby a phenotypic variant is expressed simply nether a certain level of stress, which then allows alleles producing the variant to be selected. Equally these alleles increment in frequency, they pass another threshold (the "normal" threshold in gene frequency in Effigy 3), which results in the expression of the phenotypic variants in the absence of the stress. Thus, stressful conditions tin serve to expose phenotypic variants that can then exist selected in populations, leading to evolutionary alter.

Figure 3.

A threshold model to account for genetic assimilation, (a) Before selection, a phenotypic variant is expressed under stressful conditions when a genetic threshold is exceeded, but not under normal conditions, which are associated with a different threshold. The genetic threshold is determined by the number of alleles present that lead to the expression of the variant. (b) Continued selection for the individuals expressing this variant leads to an increase in the frequency of the alleles responsible for the expression of the variant. The distribution of the population is altered, and the variant is eventually expressed even when stress is not experienced.

A threshold model to account for genetic absorption, (a) Before selection, a phenotypic variant is expressed under stressful weather when a genetic threshold is exceeded, but not under normal conditions, which are associated with a different threshold. The genetic threshold is determined past the number of alleles present that lead to the expression of the variant. (b) Continued selection for the individuals expressing this variant leads to an increase in the frequency of the alleles responsible for the expression of the variant. The distribution of the population is altered, and the variant is eventually expressed even when stress is non experienced.

Figure 3.

A threshold model to account for genetic assimilation, (a) Before selection, a phenotypic variant is expressed under stressful conditions when a genetic threshold is exceeded, but not under normal conditions, which are associated with a different threshold. The genetic threshold is determined by the number of alleles present that lead to the expression of the variant. (b) Continued selection for the individuals expressing this variant leads to an increase in the frequency of the alleles responsible for the expression of the variant. The distribution of the population is altered, and the variant is eventually expressed even when stress is not experienced.

A threshold model to account for genetic assimilation, (a) Earlier choice, a phenotypic variant is expressed under stressful conditions when a genetic threshold is exceeded, just not nether normal conditions, which are associated with a unlike threshold. The genetic threshold is adamant by the number of alleles present that pb to the expression of the variant. (b) Continued pick for the individuals expressing this variant leads to an increase in the frequency of the alleles responsible for the expression of the variant. The distribution of the population is altered, and the variant is eventually expressed even when stress is not experienced.

One trouble with making general conclusions based on these early experiments is that stresses involving particular chemicals or heat applied to specific life cycle stages were required to create phenotypic shifts by genetic absorption. Even so, Rutherford and Lindquist (1998) have recently proposed a more general mechanism for producing morphological variants under stress. They investigated the furnishings of mutations in one of the Drosophila heat-daze protein genes, hsp83, on morphological abnormalities. This gene codes for the Hsp90 protein, which normally acts to ensure that signaling proteins in cells remain stable. The authors showed that these mutations (too as geldanamycin, a biochemical inhibitor of Hsp90) release hidden morphological variation that can and then be exposed to option; one time morphological variants are selected, their expression no longer depends on the presence of mutant hsp83 alleles.

The mechanism by which this process could occur is every bit follows: cellular stress may crusade a transient decrease in Hsp90 levels considering these proteins are titrated by stress-damaged proteins. The reduction in Hsp90 would so atomic number 82 to the increased expression of morphological variants; eventually, the variants would be expressed fifty-fifty in the absence of irresolute Hsp90 levels if alleles that increase the expression of Hsp90 accumulate. This mechanism is similar to the threshold model for genetic assimilation in Effigy 3, except that whatsoever environmental variable affecting Hsp90 levels could lead to increased variability. Rutherford and Lindquist (1998) suggested that this procedure could facilitate rapid morphological radiation. However, as in the case of genetic assimilation, this procedure would still crave the morphological variants to have a fitness advantage. In addition, processes that human activity against evolutionary change, such equally gene catamenia, deleterious mutations, and tradeoffs between traits and environments, would still need to exist overcome.

Stressful conditions can likewise influence evolution by increasing mutation and recombination rates. In the laboratory, organisms exposed to stressful conditions tin can produce more variable offspring than organisms not exposed to such conditions because of an increased incidence of mutants and new combinations of genes (Parsons 1988, Hoffmann and Parsons 1991). In that location is also show that mutation rates differ between natural populations exposed to different levels of stress. For instance, Lamb et al. (1998) studied mutation rates in a fungus (Sordaria fimicola) from ii sides of a canyon. The south-facing gradient is warmer, drier, and much more variable than the north-facing slope, which experiences balmy and relatively constant weather condition. Mutation rates were threefold higher in fungal strains originating from the southern slope than in strains from the northern slope; some of this variation was environmentally induced, but a component was genetically determined, persisting through two generations of selfing. Thus, both induced and inherent mutation rates were higher in strains from the more stressful environment. Evidence that recombination frequencies in natural populations may also be associated with stress levels comes from the finding that, in the mole rat, Spalax ehrenbergi, increasing aridity stress is associated with increasing levels of recombination, as measured past chiasma frequency (Nevo et al. 1996).

Increases in the rates of both mutation and recombination could potentially heighten rates of evolutionary modify. When populations are under continuous directional choice, there is good evidence that new mutations play a major function in the response to selection (Frankham 1980). Moreover, increased recombination rates are also associated with rapid evolutionary responses in the laboratory (Flexon and Rodell 1982). Thus, increases in mutation and recombination rates under stress might be an adaptive response past organisms.

However, changes in mutation and recombination rates under stress are not necessarily adaptive. Some changes in mutation rate have been linked with the activation of transposons that insert into the Dna of a host organism and thereby affect gene expression. There is bear witness that the charge per unit of transposition events increases nether some forms of ecology stress (Ratner et al. 1992). In addition, the increase in mutation and recombination rates may exist an indirect consequence of organisms having fewer resource bachelor for DNA repair processes when they are nether stress.

Moreover, costs, every bit well as potential benefits, are associated with an increase in mutation rate. Because nearly mutations are deleterious, an increase in mutation charge per unit generates a mutational load in a population. Ane manner that organisms decrease this load is via directed mutagenesis, a process that produces mutations that increase fitness specifically in response to the stressful weather condition an organism is experiencing. Evidence that such mutations exist has come mainly from microorganisms that have auxotrophic mutations and are therefore unable to abound without a particular nutrient unless a reversion event occurs. Whether the available data support the existence of a process that produces these mutations has, however, been hotly debated (Lenski and Mittler 1993, Hall 1998). The full general consensus is that mutations are probably non directed in the sense of arising to deal specifically with particular environmental conditions. Instead, information technology appears that stressful atmospheric condition increment mutation rates to a greater extent in specific classes of genes that sometimes, but non always, include those nether selection. A number of mechanisms could explain this process. For case, Wright (1997) has proposed that stress increases the rate of transcription of some genes, particularly those under pick; these genes are in turn more than probable to mutate because DNA that is actively transcribed is particularly vulnerable to mutagenesis as a consequence of being single stranded for much of the time.

Although these results and others (see Hoffmann and Parsons 1997) demonstrate that stress affects phenotypic and genetic variation, there remains a large gap betwixt demonstrating these effects and showing that they have a part in adaptive development. About all of the aberrant phenotypes generated in laboratory experiments are unlikely to survive in nature. In add-on, a few aberrant phenotypes produced by localized stresses are likely to be diluted by gene flow in populations, unless the phenotypes have large positive effects on the fettle of organisms.

1 way to explore whether stress has more full general effects on phenotypic variation and hence on adaptive change is to consider stress furnishings on variation in quantitative traits known to be under selection. To this end, a number of experiments have investigated the heritability of morphological and life-history traits nether both stressful and optimal conditions. "Narrow-sense" heritability expresses the proportion of variation in a trait that contributes to phenotypic similarity between parents and their offspring; it is therefore an of import measure for predicting the furnishings of natural pick across generations. Narrow-sense heritability is defined equally 5A/VP, where the condiment genetic variance is VA and the phenotypic variance is 5P. Another usually used measure is the "broad-sense" heritability of a trait, which is divers equally VThousand/VP, where 5G is the genetic variance, which includes nonadditive as well as additive genetic effects. The broad-sense heritability of a trait provides an indication of the proportion of phenotypic variance that is genetic, but this measure is less useful than narrow-sense heritability for predicting evolutionary modify because not all sources of genetic variation contribute to the similarity between parents and offspring.

If the heritability of a trait under directional selection is increased past stressful conditions, and so that trait is likely to evolve more chop-chop than a trait whose heritability is not increased by stress. Unfortunately, the results of experiments testing this idea have been inconclusive (Hoffmann and Merilä 1999). Several studies in Drosophila propose that the wide-sense heritability of traits may be increased nether high temperature or nutritional stress, but there are also exceptions to this pattern. Other studies, especially in birds and plants, suggest that both the broad- and narrow-sense heritability of morphological traits may decline under unfavorable conditions. For life-history traits, the information are likewise inconclusive. In a Drosophila written report that considered the effects of a circuitous stress arising from a combination of cold stress, poor nutrition, and ethanol (Sgrò and Hoffmann 1998), heritable variation for fecundity increased under stressful weather. Yet, other studies have shown a decrease in the heritability of fecundity and development time under stressful conditions (Kasule 1991, Imasheva et al. 1998).

One limitation of studies on stress and heritability is that they have tended to focus on traits with moderate heritabilities and adequately loftier levels of phenotypic variation. Studies on characters with depression heritabilities and low phenotypic variances should produce more consistent changes in 5A with stress. Information technology would besides be informative to test whether traits that have reached a choice plateau (i.e., traits that fail to answer to further directional selection) tin continue to evolve after stress exposure. Ideally, such experiments demand to be undertaken using traits that are known to have undergone adaptive shifts in natural populations rather than morphological traits of unknown adaptive significance.

Overall, the effects of stress on variation advise a much more dynamic interaction between the environment and genetic systems than has previously been appreciated. This environmental accent is also becoming credible in epigenetic inheritance systems (Jablonka and Lamb 1998). These systems are associated with jail cell retentiveness and allow prison cell phenotypes that are induced past environmental changes to be transmitted across generations. Examples of epigenetic inheritance systems include the many genes influenced by methylation patterns. The environment tin can influence the methylation patterns of these genes, and their methylation state in turn influences their transcription. Methylation patterns tin can be stable and inherited across many generations. The surroundings therefore not only acts on variation via natural selection but also helps to make up one's mind the expression of genetic and phenotypic variants that can then be exposed to selection.

In summary, some processes can result in stress having a positive effect on evolutionary rates (Figure ane). When a stressful environment is encountered, information technology tin trigger an increase in the rate of mutation, transcription, and recombination, all of which, in plough, can atomic number 82 to increased phenotypic variation exposed to selection. Moreover, stress can trigger the expression of variation in invariant traits that can then be exposed to selection.

Stress, gene catamenia, and population size

In improver to influencing levels of variability, stress may also indirectly influence rates of evolution by countering the limiting effects of cistron menstruum on accommodation. Stressful conditions are likely to subtract factor flow among populations because these atmospheric condition result both in species becoming increasingly restricted to favorable habitat patches and in fewer migrants (i.e., because of a declining reproductive output). Genotypes with a high fitness in marginal atmospheric condition may then increase in frequency considering they are no longer being diluted, leading to a positive effect on adaptation. García-Ramos and Kirkpatrick (1997) have modeled a state of affairs in which a quantitative trait is under clinal selection in a species whose density decreases toward the periphery of a population. They showed that one time peripheral populations become isolated, selection can human action within a few generations to shift the population hateful several standard deviations away from that of the original population. Therefore, restricting factor period tin can have a positive impact on adaptation.

Unfortunately, there take been few attempts to rigorously test the importance of this process. As mentioned earlier, many examples exist of gene flow apparently restricting adaptation. In add-on, there is direct show that restricting gene flow can lead to rapid evolutionary shifts, albeit non in the context of stress. For instance, Riechert (1993) establish that desert spiders (Agelenopsis aperta) from a riparian habitat appeared to behave mal-adaptively in that they showed low levels of prey bigotry, even though prey were abundant and loftier levels of casualty discrimination were therefore expected. The authors hypothesized that the evolution of bigotry was limited by asymmetric gene flow with a much larger population in the surrounding desert region, an surroundings where prey were scarce and low levels of discrimination were therefore expected. When gene flow was artificially restricted between the desert and riparian populations for a generation, prey discrimination in the riparian population increased markedly. That is, the brake of gene period triggered an adaptive response.

The effects of stress on cistron flow could aid to business relationship for the high rates of evolution and diversification that are frequently seen in disturbed environments. Examples include the transitional zone in southwestern Australia (Hopper 1979) and the barren Delicious Karoo Region in southern Africa (Ihlenfeldt 1994). Such high-diversity regions are associated with long-term disturbance resulting from periodically stressful conditions, which in plough are likely to have led to marked changes in the degree of isolation and size of populations. However, it is also possible that other straight and indirect furnishings of stress have contributed to diversification in such regions.

The effects of stress on gene menstruation and population size can take negative as well every bit positive effects. If isolated populations go likewise small, so genetic variation can become lost and VA is expected to decrease. The only exception is if epistatic interactions occur, which tin result in a release of genetic variability following a population bottleneck (Goodnight 1988). A small population size will also lead to inbreeding depression, which occurs when at that place is an increase in the frequency of genotypes homozygous for recessive deleterious alleles in a population. At that place is good evidence from agricultural studies (Barlow 1981) that inbreeding depression is increased under stressful atmospheric condition. This pattern is too apparent in more contempo experiments with other organisms, including Drosophila, Tribolium flour beetles, birds, and plants (Miller 1994, Bijlsma et al. 1997, Keller et al. 1998).

In summary, stressful weather may indirectly increase rates of adaptation when cistron menses is disrupted past the fragmentation of populations but decrease adaptive responses if at that place is a persistent reduction in population size (Figure 1). More information is needed to test whether adaptive changes are ordinarily enhanced by a reduction in factor menstruum. For instance, it would be interesting to test whether isolating populations at the margins of species distributions results in their adapting to marginal conditions.

Stress and the persistence of genetic variability

Periodically stressful weather can increase evolutionary rates past enhancing the expression of fitness differences among genotypes and phenotypes. Several studies, particularly in bacteria, have shown that variation among genotypes coding for enzymes announced to have no fettle consequences under optimal atmospheric condition, whereas fitness differences amid these genotypes become evident under more stressful weather (Hard et al. 1985). In add-on, it appears that the positive clan betwixt the heterozygosity of individuals (as measured at several enzyme loci) and fitness, which is ofttimes weak (David 1998), can become stronger nether moderate levels of stress. Examples include an increase in the effect of heterozygosity on the fitness of the earthworm Eisenia fetida under wet stress (Audo and Diehl 1995) and on the fitness of the clam Mulinia lateralis under temperature and salinity stress (Scott and Koehn 1990).

The fitness effects triggered by stressful conditions can influence the persistence of genetic variation in populations and thereby indirectly touch on evolutionary rates. Stress effects on persistence tin occur in two ways: heterozygote advantage and, perhaps more important, genotype × surround interactions. When heterozygote advantage occurs at a item locus, multiple alleles are maintained in a population. Because the positive association between heterozygosity and fitness tends to exist stronger under stressful weather condition than under favorable ones, stress may promote the persistence of genetic variation. However, heterozygous reward can maintain multiple alleles at a locus only nether adequately restrictive conditions (Karlin and Feldman 1981).

Stressful conditions can also promote persistence when genotype × surround interactions result in different genotypes having relatively college fitness in different environments (Gillespie and Turelli 1989). The show for tradeoffs between fettle in unfavorable and favorable environments, as mentioned above, suggests that genotype rankings will oft change across environments that include stressful conditions. In addition, there is bear witness that different stresses will, to some extent, favor different genotypes (Clark and Fucito 1998).

Ways in which extinction events may increment evolutionary rates

There are several possible ways in which stressful periods may have had a artistic role in evolution by causing extinction events (modified from Hoffmann and Parsons 1997):

  • Decrease in predation pressure allows the establishment of novel genotypes; subsequent radiations follow renewed predation pressures.

  • Subtract in competitive interactions enables previously noncompetitive species to survive; evolutionary radiations follow renewed contest.

  • Clearing of ecological space provides habitat for new adjusted forms.

  • Stress induces expression of increased genetic and phenotypic variability, increasing rates of evolutionary alter.

  • Reduction in gene period allows new combinations of genotypes to persist.

If intermittently stressful conditions aid to maintain genetic variation, in that location should be an association between levels of genetic variation and the likelihood of populations encountering such conditions. Nevo and coworkers have accumulated evidence of this association in a number of organisms (Nevo 1998). For case, in subterranean mole rats, allozyme diversity is positively correlated with dehydration stress, increasing from a stable surface area toward an arid and climatically unpredictable expanse (Nevo et al. 1994).

However, it should be emphasized that there are likely to be negative besides as positive effects of stressful conditions on genetic variation. If these weather condition persist and population numbers are reduced, levels of genetic variation may be lowered via genetic migrate, decreasing the adaptive potential of a population. Thus, some of the arrows in Effigy 1 highlight potential negative also as positive effects of stressful weather on genetic variation.

Patterns in the fossil tape

Every bit mentioned before, microevolutionary processes documented within populations are sufficiently rapid to account for rates of evolutionary change in the fossil record (Gingerich 1983) without the need to invoke a role for stressful conditions. Withal, although patterns in the fossil record are notoriously difficult to interpret, there is some testify that periodic stresses effect evolutionary changes and probably help to counter evolutionary stasis.

There is good evidence, specially from marine fossils, that rates of evolutionary modify differ between environments. New taxa tend to originate in environments that are both disturbed and highly productive (Parsons 1993). In contrast, environments that tend to exist relatively constant or in which stressful conditions are continuously present and productivity is depression mostly contain organisms that have undergone only minor morphological changes. A well-documented example comes from marine environments extending from the shoreline (Jablonski and Bottjer 1990). New invertebrate taxa originated far more frequently in disturbed habitats shut to the shore, where food was not limiting, than in the more stable but more resource-limited habitats offshore. The new taxa then expanded to occupy the other areas.

As well as being linked with the emergence of evolutionary novelties, stress has as well been linked to patterns of evolution in the fossil record. Debate is ongoing most whether evolution within lineages follows punctuated equilibrium patterns (in which periods of rapid alter are followed by periods of stasis) or patterns of gradual evolutionary alter. Sheldon (1992) has suggested that these patterns probably depend on the nature of ecology changes. When environmental weather change gradually and the environment does non fluctuate too greatly (i.e., periodically stressful conditions are rare), evolutionary changes will probably be gradual, whereas stasis and, occasionally, rapid evolutionary modify will occur when environments fluctuate widely.

Finally, extremely stressful conditions take been implicated in promoting evolution because of the evolutionary diversification that ofttimes follows extinction events. Although these events oftentimes wipe out a large proportion of all species, they tend to be followed by the emergence of new taxa and periods of rapid evolution. A number of hypotheses (see box this page) take been proposed to explain how evolutionary diversification might occur (Vermeij 1987, Hoffmann and Parsons 1997). 1 possibility is that stressful conditions weaken interactions among organisms, peculiarly predation and competition, because population densities are drastically reduced and many populations get extinct. This phenomenon may allow novel evolutionary forms to survive stressful conditions. Another possibility is that areas that are vacant after a mass extinction event tin go occupied by new evolutionary forms that are normally excluded by the presence of other organisms. In addition, the direct effects of stress in generating new phenotypic variants by the mechanisms discussed earlier may be important during periods of mass extinction. Under these hypotheses, the intense stresses leading to mass extinction events accept a role in releasing constraints that unremarkably limit adaptation.

Although fossil patterns suggest that evolutionary change is directly or indirectly affected by stressful conditions, it is nevertheless hard to link fossil patterns with stress effects on microevolutionary patterns in extant populations because of the different time scales involved. That is, because rapid changes in the fossil record would announced as relatively dull changes in extant populations, it is difficult to make connections between these levels. However, it does seem that major evolutionary shifts are concentrated in some types of environments, specifically environments that are relatively unstable and probable to exist intermittently stressful. Direct furnishings of stress on phenotypic variability and indirect effects on cistron menstruum may well play a role in promoting those shifts.

Concluding remarks

At this stage, the motion-picture show of how stressful conditions bear upon evolutionary alter is even so incomplete. These weather condition tin undoubtedly influence the expression of variation at the Dna and phenotypic levels and the expression of fitness differences among phenotypes. Withal, it remains to be seen if such influences can be linked to the types of stresses that occur in nature too as to the evolution of adaptive differences among populations. The current focus on the molecular genetic basis of differences amid species (Carroll 1995) should assist to at to the lowest degree clarify the nature of the genes involved in adaptive differences amongst species and their susceptibility to processes such as genetic assimilation.

The office of the indirect furnishings of stress on evolutionary change will exist difficult to evaluate because of the fact that stress can cause both positive and negative effects on evolutionary change. If population sizes remain pocket-sized due to persistent stress, at that place is a danger that levels of genetic variation can exist reduced and inbreeding effects increased; however, a reduction in gene catamenia under stressful conditions may increase rates of adaptation. One way of tackling this effect is to undertake experiments to test whether evolutionary limits in natural populations are unremarkably associated with restricted gene flow. Populations at species boundaries provide excellent systems with which to undertake such tests. Some other approach is to accept reward of the fragmentation currently existence imposed on natural populations because of human activities to see if this procedure influences adaptive changes in populations.


Research on the responses of organisms to stress in our laboratory is supported by the Australian Research Council. Nosotros thank Valery Forbes and Rebecca Chasan for the invitation to undertake this review.

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Author notes

Ary A. Hoffmann (e-mail: is a professor and Miriam J. Hercus is a graduate student in the Evolutionary Biology Unit, Department of Genetics and Development, La Trobe University, Bundoora, Victoria 3083, Commonwealth of australia. Hoffmann has broad interests in the evolutionary genetics of stress adaptation, Wolbachia evolution, and the application of evolutionary biological science to pest control issues. Hercus has interests in the role of hybridization in evolution.
